
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Trip to the Coast

We headed out this morning to the East Coast of England to visit the towns of Scarborough, Whitby, and Staithes.  We enjoyed a good lunch in Scarborough, walked on the beach a bit, toured a castle atop the highest point in Scarborough, then drove to Whitby and enjoyed the sites and sound, and then on to Staithes...with the narrowest streets we have ever seen - one way - straight down or up hill.  Scary..especially for Kel who was following me, but we made it without a scratch....I think.

Enjoy some pics.


  1. It is so hard to say what would be my most favorite spot in all the pictures. The family looks so good and happy. They are all growing so much. Dawson seems so much taller than in December when he left. Chloe is just beautiful watch when you go to France those French guys love beautiful girls she might end up with a marriage proposal before she leaves....LOL

    Sadie has gotten such a sweet face. She seems to be enjoying having little people to play with now.

    The families all look so good. I can't believe how much Micah has grown. He's a great big boy. I can't believe how fast babies grow. Mattie was just tiny when we saw her last.

    All the pictures are wonderful. You all get in lots of walking around there don't you?

    Enjoy your friends and remember we love all of you so much.

    Love and Kisses to all,

    Mom and Pop

  2. Your pictures are so beautiful. Just love the sun. It seemed like such a beautiful, sunny day. Thanks for sharing.

    Love you,
    Aunt Di
