
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Dawson's Home

Dawson made it back home last night about 9:45 from his whirlwind trip to France.  He seemed anxious to get home and tell us about his adventures.  We were quite anxious to hear them as well.  They had instructed us to expect that the trip would change we are looking for the signs.

We can tell something has changed from his short time in France, but we can't quite figure out what it is.  If you can tell, you might let us know.


  1. Hi there,

    I know that all were glad to see your guy. He looked so good. Mom looked like she survived well and the girls were glad to see him even if they did like being there by themselves. LOL

    Raining again there I see.....Boy the weather is kinda like Seattle....

    It is kinda hard to spot the changes in Dawson since the trip. At least there was no engagement for him as I guess Paris IS the "City of Love". Ah wee wee!! LOL

    He looked like his hair gel held up fine but he did get a little loose on his shaving..Oh well, when in France do as the French do......LOL Hope the mustache doesn't bother his eating ice cream.....LOL

    Loved that...He will still be our loving little(big) boy no matter where he goes.

    So thrilled that he had a wonderful trip but I bet he was glad to be home in his own bed and to have his sisters to talk to....

    Glad you are back Dawson and so excited that you had a great trip, some only some kids would dream of.

    Keep up the good work. We love you and are proud of you being a big guy. That was hard to go without your family..

    Love and Lots of kisses to you AND to the girls.

    Grandma and Grandpa Caldwell

  2. Como tale vu? Ah, yes- maturing and fashionable growth is truly remarkable, what kind of wax do you use? Such symmetry! Do you pucker up for the pretty girls? A delightful black beret to match!

    Did you enjoy poisson et frites while enjoying the french countryside? If not, what did you enjoy as your favorite french cuisine?

    Wee Wee Monsieur! I would advise viewing Episode 39 of The Three Stooges at your convenience on You Tube for further understandings and meanings of the french language.

    On a more sincere note, I am very proud of your American perspective at the cemeteries for the folks like myself that never had a chance to pay respects and remembrances of those who sacrificed their freedoms for you and me. Most appreciative of your leadership style, Dawson! This likewise is meant for all of you who are representing your family, church family, company, and country SO WELL, just like the champions you are!

    Thinking of all 5 of ya today at the "picnic" for 3rd Sunday Potluck at church. In your behalf, I had both a hamburger and hot dog in your absence. Can't wait to put a hug on you all when you come back for a reunion! Continually enamored with the gifting of all the things you do and places you go for us to see as if we were there with you!

    Got any good recipes for Shepherd's Pie over there, being so close to Dublin?

    God sent His Son, they called Him Jesus, He came to love, heal, and forgive...

  3. Whoops...episode 29, not 39!

  4. Looking good Mr.! Glad you had fun. The boys loved the eiffel tower pictures.

    Love you,
    Aunt Di
