
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day/Birthday to Kel

Well Kel is one of those lucky - unlucky ones that gets her birthday on the same day as Mother's Day.  It was going to work out in her favor this year, as the English celebrate Mum's day in mid-March.  But as things turned out, I returned from Australia on the night before Mum's Day and spent most of the day sleeping on the English Mum's Day due to jet lag and a bit of sickness.

So...Kel is back for a two-fer this year and we are trying to do better . She is missing her boy on Mother's Day, but we will keep her distracted with some chocolate and a shopping trip.

Happy Birthday and Mother's Day to the woman I love.


  1. There are no words that describe my reaction to some of those pictures....actually, I have them but won't share them.

    Good. Lord. Love the giant glasses!

    You rock it rocked it then. Be proud of those perms :). We all have those pics.

    What an awesome lady! Happy birthday and mother's day. Wonder if you still have the baton?

    Love you,

  2. Wow....a nice walk down memory lane. We are so proud to have you in our lives and are so amazed at how great a mom and wife you are to our grandbabies and Dave......

    The move for you, a piece of cake....going across the ocean not a problem....getting set up in a new country with three kids and a husband to make a home for. No problem...Did it with your hands tied behind your back.. Truly amazing.

    We can never say how proud we are of you. We love you and hope you had a great birthday and a great mothers day.

    I hope Dave got you lots and lots of chocolate. Actually double double chocolate for the two celebrations. Nothing but right.....LOL

    We love you, would have loved to be with you on the day.

    Love to you,

    Julian and Peggy

    PS. perms are wonderful.....Di doesn't know what she is missing.....HA HA
