
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Took a taxi into the city of Palma today...

What a beautiful city.  Great cathedral - amazing food - great streets - shops.  Lovely time. 

Couple of Videos.  They were having a demonstration in the streets - making a statement about the government not supporting the language of Catalan - it was peaceful and interesting.


  1. These pictures are beautiful, especially the ones of you two together. You're getting good at self portraits. The city looks amazing and dinner looked delicious. Wish we were there!

    Thanks for the facetime. Love to talk to you guys and so happy you're taking some time for yourselves!

    Love you,

  2. Wow, what memories you two are making. The architecture of the buildings are amazing. A beautiful blue sky. Doesn't even look real.

    The Bride looked so beautiful in the sun and what a beautiful setting.

    Loved the mustaches on both of you. The food looked good too. I love the chairs in the background with the blue..Really pretty

    The Cathedral in the background of you two was unreal. Just to think that people live there and see this every day...Amazing

    Where Kelly was standing at the end of the street looked so peaceful and warm.

    I am so glad you all are having a good time. Even though this was 20 years in the making I think this was well worth it. And just think all the things you have seen and done in the 20 years....You both need to be awful proud of yourselves for being the people you are today. It was hard to pack up a family and come to another country and settle in and look how well you two have done that. Kids good, family good, home good so pat yourself on the back and just enjoy where you are and how far you have come. Think what the next 20 years will bring......

    Enjoy the rest of your time and we love you all and are so proud you got your time to be away.

    Love you,

    Mom and Pop

  3. Unbelievable pictures and video! What a great adventure and 'honeymoon'. I hope you guys are having a blast!

  4. So very nice to see the trip and share in some way with the process. Happy Anniversary.
