
Monday, May 6, 2013

Back Home

We left beautiful Majorca or Mallorca (spelled both ways by the locals) this morning and made our way safely back to Harrogate in time to enjoy an outdoor feast prepared by the kids.  Despite the rest and relaxation we had, it was great to see the kids anxious to see us. 

We thoroughly enjoyed our time and so appreciated the chance to simply breathe. It feels like we have always pushed ourselves very hard and fast to take on and do a lot and rarely take chance to slow down. Especially since November when this adventure began it literally felt like we went from our usual 60 mph to over 100...and it literally hasn't slowed down since then.  The lesson we both took home is the importance of finding time to just stop and breathe.  We literally felt like our bodies slowed down and got a chance to recover a was nice. If you are out there running 90 to nothing...consider finding some time/place/way to breathe...while we will have to find a way to do it in not such a nice place as Majorca, we are convinced it can be done.

A few more pics from the visit and the reception when we got home.

The last view this morning at sunrise

A couple of videos of some sort of flying water jet guy that was practicing down by the sea.
Our welcome feast at home.



  1. Beautiful pictures and so glad you made it back safe and also with some new discovered wisdom. Taking time matters, particularly when you've been on the run the way your family has since November. Stay cool - 66 is a killer :).

    FYI, it snowed last week so I think we are officially in bizarro world around here.

    Love you,

    P.s. your pictures were beautiful, particularly the ones of you 2 together. 20 years is a long time. Congrats!

  2. We are so glad to see you all got back home and safe and sound. It seems as if it was just what the doctor ordered. The sights were amazing and the colors and the flowers were beautiful.

    Since November there hasn't been much time to slow down and just take time to smell the roses but now maybe you can do a little more of it. Maybe even the entire bouquet.......

    What a warm welcome you all received from the kiddos what a nice way to return home. Looks like they did a great job.

    Hopefully, all will drink the extra water and try not to get too much sun in that heat wave you are having. As in KC we had snow and a morning low of 21 last week. Maybe 70 today....I may need to hydrate really well. I can't afford heat stroke.....LOL

    I loved the pictures of you two and looked as if Kelly had a little sunburn. May be something now to build on in your heat wave...LOL

    Think where you two have come in 20 years, what will the next 20 have to offer. Lots of Love, happiness, and well being. Maybe grandma & grandpa......LOL Who knows....Just saying......LOL

    We love you all and the kiddos, the pictures were amazing to see.

    Mom and Pop
