
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Friday Fish Night

So...if you ever come to town...and it is a Friday...good chance we will enjoy some fish...since it is Fish Friday around these parts. We took Jason, Krista and kids to Weatherby Whaler for some fish.  We knew they would probably eat us out of house and home, but were surprised to find that Maddi was the one that would throw it down.  After a cup of beans, 3-4 pieces of bread, she did her best to finish off an adult size fish.

Go Girl!


  1. That fish looks almost as big as she does. Good for Matti. She sure is enjoying her fish. It is so good to see little ones try new things. Looks like it was a hit with her. She would like Fish Fridays if she lived there.

    It's great to be able to share some of the places that you write about with your friends.

    She is such a cutie. Loved the flowers in her hair. Seems as if it was only yesterday that Sadie was her size. Oh my how time does fly. LOL

    Love you all,

    Mom and Pop

  2. haha that is too funny! We train'em right at the KCI potlucks!

  3. That little baby girl is quite the eater. Love the pics!

    Love you,
    Aunt Di
