
Friday, May 31, 2013

Happy Birthday to Dawson

Well today marks a big day for Dawson as he hits #11.    We are looking forward to going out for dinner tonight to celebrate his big day.   Dawson was our first and only boy and was such a joy for us when he came into our lives.  He was a relatively good baby compared to our first - typically going with the flow and spending a lot of time in his carseat - waiting for his bigger sister to finish dance/sports etc.  Dawson is uniquely special from all of our kids in a number of ways.  He has talent beyond his understanding, catches onto things quite quickly, has a lot of energy, gets things in school rather quickly, has a kind heart and is troubled by things that most kids his age would probably pay no attention to, and inquisitive.  He is a typical 11 year old boy in that he would rather be playing with a ball or his friends than doing much of anything else - can get easily distracted at times (like the day he came home recently with a black eye - we asked what happened - his first answer was I don't remember - then he did remember - he was playing soccer at school and a fancy car drove by so he was watching it vs.playing the game and got wacked)   All par for the course for our growing maturing 11 year old boy.

Dawson has adapted to the move probably the easiest of the three kids - making friends fast and getting on with it (as we would say around here).  We are anxious to see what God has in store for him in the coming years utilizing his many talents.


  1. Go Dawson, Go Dawson...It's your birthday.

    Wow, how time has flown. It just doesn't seem real that you should be 11. We are so proud of all that you are and what you will become. You have always made us so proud of you.

    Handling the move, making new friends and just "getting on with it". What an accomplishment that is.

    You were probably looking at that car sizing up whether that will be your first car or not. As they say "Chicks love scars" and of course a black eye is even better. LOL

    We are so blessed that God seen fit to put you in our lives and blessed us with you and your many talents.

    We know you will handle life as it comes and make the most out of every opportunity.

    Dawson, enjoy you day.....Eat lots of cake..and make the most of your life as it comes.

    We are so proud of you and love you so much. Take each moment and savor the time and live life to the fullest. God is there behind you and will guide you all the way.

    We love you and Happy Happy Birthday.


    Grandma & Grandpa Caldwell

  2. Happy birthday boy! We really do miss you and have so many memories of hanging out with you. My boys would give anything to be with you today and celebrate with you.

    You are such an amazing little man. Always willing to get in and get after things, athletic and so musical. I've been so impressed with how hard you've worked and how much you've grown. Your recent trip to France is example of how far you've come in standing on your own. We can't wait to see you and are so, so proud of you.

    We love you, Dawson. Happy birthday!
    Aunt Di, Ben, Aidan and Dean
