
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Dawson's Off to France

Dawson left about midnight last night from his school with his class for a 6 day trip to France.

His class will be visiting Omaha Beach, Normandy, making their way to Paris and finishing their last day at EuroDisney in Paris.  They took a bus from Harrogate last night and drove to Portsmouth England.  From there, they take a ferry over the English Channel to France and get back on a bus to begin the adventure.  Despite the late start for the trip, Dawson seemed ready to go - especially when he found his friends.  It was harder for mom than Dawson to see him off.  We are looking forward to following them on Twitter through their trip to see how they are progressing.  We aren't allowed to talk to him the entire trip, so that will be tough. 

We saw on twitter this morning they were already at Porstmouth.

Stay tuned for more adventures!!




  1. You are brave!!! So is Dawson :). Hang in there. You'll just recreate the days when cell phones didn't exist and you had to wait for a pay phone call to connect with people.

    He will do great and come back with a million stories!


    P.s. I still think you and I, incognito, seeing the sites and spying on him would have rocked!

  2. That is some trip....Wow I only went to Lincoln Birthplace when I was in grade school on my field trips...LOL I know he will have so much fun and the History he will learn. To think he is walking in maybe the same footsteps as some of his great Grandfathers. What an amazing time.

    Mom I know it is hard but he will do fine. Just think how well he has gotten along since the move there.

    He will have so much to tell his children and grandchildren. Think what a great time he is having, and you know they will be well supervised.

    Hang in there and the time will pass before you know it.

    He looked so big and ready to go.

    Love you all,

    Grma and Grpa
