
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Some of Dawson's Pictures from his trip


  1. He sure looks good for having such a whirlwind field trip. I can't imagine what he has soon and probably tasted and just to be in some of the places I am sure was amazing.

    He did great taking his pictures. He kinda looked a little tired at the end but it was good exhaustion I am sure.

    I bet you all missed him and I am sure he missed you all as well but what a trooper there aren't many 10 almost 11 year olds that could go that far with practically strangers only knowing them for a short while. I know you all are proud of him as are we.

    What a big achievement for him (and you all too not to be there).

    We love you all,

    Mom and Pop

  2. Nice job, Dawson! We are very proud of you. Ben and Aidan ARE jealous but happy for you. You've shown all of us you're growing up little man.

    We love you! Glad you had fun.

    Aunt Di

  3. Welcome back! Great pictures! I'm so pumped (and jealous) you got to experience something like that. I hope we get to hear some stories of your adventure!
