
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Dawson Update

Looks like Dawson spent the day at the American and British Cemeteries near Omaha Beach.  The school went to both the American and British cemeteries, laid wreaths on the graves, and did a ceremony at each.  Dawson had a part to play in the American ceremony.   Dawson also researched a soldier that had died online before he left and they were to go find the specific gravestone today of the individual they found online.  I'm sure it was a moving day for all.


  1. What an awesome place. It is so beautiful cemetery and also so sad. I am sure lots left there with a lot to remember and think about.

    What a great way to intertwine yourself and a person that is interned there, nice thought. It really made it real, instead of just looking at grave stones.



    He is still with group.....check

  2. What an incredible experience. I can imagine standing among the gravestones has to be an incredibly humbling experience.

    What a blessing for him.

  3. Totally amazing experience. So very happy he gets to do this and mom and dad are letting him! You'll have to give him a kiss for me.

    Love you,
