
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sadies School Work

When we got here Sadie could barely read and barely write a few see some of the amazing work she is producing.  Notice the cursive handwriting!  Yeah Sadie!


  1. Go Sadie, Go Sadie!!!! Sadie that is amazing. What a great job you are doing. I can't believe that you can write cursive so well. .. Think how far you have come in just a few short months.

    Grandpa and I are so very proud of you. The feathered head dress was beautiful. I loved the colors. Blue is one of my favorites. You did an exceptional job.

    The artwork is great also. You could be an artist one day or a book illustrator. Keep up the great work.

    We love you,

    Grandpa & Grandma Caldwell

  2. So beautiful Sadie Ms. Lady! Nice work.

    Love you,
    Aunt Di
