
Sunday, January 13, 2013



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  1. Wow now doesn't that sound sooooooooo delicous....NOT It says it was chosen for you so you know it must be good. I think I would pass on the fish pie. That sounds disgusting. I hear the yorkshire pudding might be good but with sausages in it I am not so sure.

    Deb says she reads your blog every morning to see what you all are up to..I told her to comment if she has time.

    Looks like you all are getting groceries and Chloe, Dawson and Sadie get to eat with "Real" forks from now on.....Yey for forks.....

    Love all the updates..Hope tomorrow is a great day for all involved. Prayers will be with you all.

    Love you all so much,

    Mom and Pop

  2. Maybe I need to move there---at least I would lose weight!

  3. Toad in the hole = pig in the blanket. Imagine how bizarre our food must sound! Good luck kids on your 2nd week - knock them dead!

    Love you,
    Aunt Di
