
Monday, January 7, 2013

Sadie discussing what to wear to school tomorrow

Dawson's Teacher Mrs. Jones- his assessment went well today - he will be in Year 6 which is 5th grade US equivalent.  Sadie will be assessed later this week.  Pray for a good school day for all tomorrow.


  1. Hi there,

    It doesn't matter what they wear they will still be the cutest, handsomest, most grown up in the school. Look out "Here come the Caldwells".....They are all so ready for school and are so smart that they will do an awesome job.....

    Nice sheep in the morning pic...It is so nice and green there...still snow but warmer may get more snow by the weekend.

    Good luck all you scholars and we will be praying that all goes well for you and you will make lots of friends.

    Love you all and miss you,

    Mom and Pop

  2. Too cute! I have been sending good, good thoughts your way all day and will do so tonight as I head to sleep. All will be better tomorrow. First days open the door for first meetings with the people who will eventually be your best friends. Good luck tomorrow!

    I want to hear all about it!
    Aunt DI
