
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

First day of school

Kids are in the classroom - they all did pretty well - very different experience for them - not too easy on mom and pop either.

On the way to school

Heading into registration

Waiting to meet the headmaster at the senior school

Walking Dawson to the jr school

Walking Sadie to pre prep

Sadie in her classroom

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Railway Road,Harrogate,United Kingdom


  1. Wow...What an experience these children are going to have. They are such troopers. They will remember this all their life. They will soon be so comfortable with the school and have all new friends it will be amazing.

    We are praying that the day goes so well for them as well as mom and dad. It is always hard to face new things..

    They all look so good and will do well. New doors are waiting to be opened and walked through to experience new challenges and rewards.... God is watching over them and holding their hand. He will take care of them.

    We love you all.

    Mom and Pop

  2. You guys looked so together like you weren't scared at all - the kids seemed to be ok as well :). What a big, big step you are taking. Just think, you've now done about 20 things that NO ONE in the states has ever done - and you've only been there a little less than 2 weeks. Imagine what you'll see in 3 years!

    So proud of you guys. I'll try to call tonight to see how the big day went.

    Love you,
