
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Waiting for Sunday night Chinese


  1. Looks like all are really enjoying the wait for chinese. Love all the poses. Wonder why Dawson didn't add a pose like all the others his looked so natural.LOL Are you sure they didn't just have ice cream..... You all look so cute and I love Kelly's hair. It looks good.

    I like the plants behind you all. They look so lush and green.

    Hope the Chinese was worth waiting for. Sometimes ours depends on who is cooking that night.

    Love you all,

    Mom and Pop

  2. You guys look so good. Kel, I LOVE your hair! We've come down with a little flu (me too) so we're passing on face timing today but I'll try to catch you in the next few days. You guys look good and I hope their egg rolls rock!

    Love you guys,
    Aunt Di
