
Monday, January 28, 2013

Meeting in Leeds


  1. Hello there,
    The picture of the colors on the building is really pretty. Looks like you were pretty high when these were taken. The other looks like an industrial part of the city and no where near the other..Now that I get a better look it must be a subway/train station there. Cool train..

    Hope all are well...I am good 2 more weeks no walking he said the foot is still healing and he doesn't want jeopardize it by walking too soon...But he said it should be a full recover. Oh well more crochet thread I guess. LOL...Dad would be so proud......
    It has been really foggy here today and didn't get too clear all day. At least it isn't freezing on the streets which is really bad.

    Tell all Hello,

    Love you all,

    Mom and Pop

  2. Leeds looks beautiful but I'm guessing it's lonely without the family. It was nice to talk with Kelly today and to hear about, yet another, crazy Cosco event. You guys have some terrible luck with money + cosco. Hope this weekend can go without incident.

    We're putting the final touches on our 2nd care package. If you have requests get them in now! (p.s. I'm talking to you Dawson!!!)

    Love you guys,
    Aunt Di

  3. Well I haven't been commenting on any of the updates just enjoying all the beautiful scenery and getting to see all the kids as they adjust to England. It is sure nice to get to see your lives every day. We should all do this.

    I am so glad the kids are adjusting to life over there. I has to be so different for them. Although, it looks like Sadie is becoming the Social Butterfly of the group. HaHa.

    Also I'm assuming in Peggy's comment about you being "high" in these pictures she was referring to the distance from the ground not the other "high". LOL Gotta love her. LOL LOL

    Just wanted to touch base and let you know that the Hightower's and Preston's are thinking about you all and are all jealous that you are getting this experience. LOL Seriously, take care and have the time of your lives.

    Love, hugs and kisses
    Aunt Debbie
