
Friday, January 4, 2013

All Good Here - Tired from our week

Busy week - exploring Costco tomorrow in Leeds (larger city nearby).  Need to buy a few more things before school starts.



  1. Glad all are fine and I know you all must be really tired after all you have been through getting ready, getting there and going to work and facing new challenges. Try to get a lot rest.....Will be nice to see a bigger store for a change and get some of your needed stuff.

    School will be awesome for the kids...they are all amazing and will be so popular when they start.

    We love you and miss you.


    Mom and Pop

  2. What a remarkable milestone - 1 week in and you've already started to acclimate. When you get your furniture, it will begin to feel even more like home. We miss you a lot but love the pictures. Keep them coming!

    Love you,

    P.s. Kel, I'll be shopping by myself at Zona Rosa tomorrow. The grasshopper has become the master :). Though, still wish you were with me. Who's going to badger me to try on 14 shirts and 17 pairs of pants? And, don't get me started on the shoe shopping :)
