
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sadie saying her poem for speech and drama class

YouTube Video

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  1. Way to go Sadie. What a good job...that was hard and a lot to memorize. You did a great job doing that. You are such a quick learner. I know that Dawson and Chloe are so proud of you also. GREAT JOB.

    Hope all the rest are fine. We are supposed to get some snow tonight. I always like to make a snow angel in the snow.....Maybe grandpa can do it this year.....LOL

    Love you all and keep up the great work...

    Grandpa and Grandma Caldwell

  2. Well done Sadie, Ms. Lady! Very nice job.

    So glad to see videos. Makes me feel like I'm there with you. We're good here though we're battling the flu - poor Ben is out of school so far this week and not doing well. But, snow is coming tonight so maybe there will be a snow day tomorrow!

    Keep the blogs coming. We love you guys!
    Aunt Di
