
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Petro Prices - don't complain if you are in the U.S.

Used 1/2 of tank of gas this week - cost $82 (U.S.) to fill it up...thats $160 per tank full. GULP.


  1. Now you see why people walk or ride their bikes where ever they go. With prices like that it's a wonder more people aren't riding bikes or motorbikes to work.

    Wow you have to really save and only go where its absolutely necessary. Such a shame there are so many places to see and go in the country.

    Love you all,

    Mom and Pop

  2. Wow I complained that gas is back up to $3.09 here, we do have it good in the USA, the front row of church still I look for the Caldwell's, we miss you guys so much! J.L. Has to have shoulder surgery, when he passed out he fell on his shoulder & messed it up--I still worry about the swelling in his lower extremeities & the redness, Jack is helping him out & I plan to make some meals for him, pls keep him in your prayers-

    We love the pics & I check in daily to see how you all are- blessings & hugs to all

    Jack & Sharon
