
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Going Back to School

We have been working so hard to ensure that we keep the kids spirits high as we have embarked on this adventure and keep them excited about the new school - even though it will be different.  We were driving home from dinner tonight and Sadie asked for my Iphone.  She proceeded to record a song she made up that summed up all that we have tried so hard to make of this experience.

God is good and speaks through the mouths of his children.


  1. Darn it...I cried again. That is so sweet and nearly makes me forget the image of her eating the poor gingerbread cookie man's head. (Almost).

    All will be well as God will be with them every step of the way. New schools were always a little scary but I always knew mom and dad were behind us and somewhere, in that same school, my sister or brother was with me as well. It will be the same for them. Such good things are ahead! They only need to be brave enough to receive them!

    Love you guys...and loved the dance waiting for dinner. Keep strong and keep smiling!

    Good things are here...and just around the corner.

    love you,

  2. WOW..what can you say to that. Grandpa and grandma are so proud of all of you and you all will do so awesome in school. You are such super children and will be fine. Look out school here they come......England schools won't know what hit them.

    It is always nice to know that children are always listening to what you say even if you don't think they are.

    We know you all are going to be fine and as Aunt Di said there are such good things ahead for all of you.

    My grandma always said to me "go to school and learn all you can because no one can take that knowledge away." So soak up all the knowledge you can and show those English kids the Caldwells are in town.....All will be praying for you...

    Love you,

    Mom and Pop

  3. Love it! She is such a sweetheart and I can't wait to hear about the first day!
