
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wants and Needs

All are well here - Dave had an off-site with the UK board in Manchester (70 miles/3 hours away) and has been gone for the past few days.  We made it well and the kids continue to have lively dinner conversations about school, friends, etc.  All is good.

Another thing we look forward to at dinner each Sadie's wants and needs quiz.  You see, Sadie's kindergarten teacher in the states, Mrs. D., taught her and the class about the differences between wants and needs.  Nearly every night since we have been here, Sadie uses dinner time to take the family through a nightly wants and needs challenge.  Attached is this night's episode.


  1. Well Hello there,

    Looks like Miss Jazz Hands has it all down. Looks like she is doing better with school and all. Congrats on staying there all by yourself while Dave was gone. That is really hard not knowing the area and a new Country. You guys rock.

    It is nice that the kids are doing so well and sharing all their stories with you about school. Chloe's friends look really cute and sweet. It is nice to see that all kids love to cut up in front of a camera.

    The snow was really pretty there when it fell. We didn't get any BUT I am NOT complaining. I will be glad just to be able to walk. I try to soak up all the sun when I go to the doctor so I still know it is there.Ha Ha

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the blog and look for it night and morning.

    Love you all,

    Mom and Pop

    PS I am not sure how to change our sender name I have tried and tried to change the momamp;amp think. At least you know who I am. LOL

  2. Wants and needs: 1. This blog? Need. 2. Talking to you guys via facetime, phone, email or other medium? Need.

    Hmmm...that was simple.

    Loved that Sadie, girl!

    Jazz hands. Enough said.
    Aunt Di
