
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Snow is gone - rainbow could be seen this morning


  1. Wow, God does paint with an amazing paint brush doesn't he...What a beautiful sight to wake up to this morning. The colors are so vivid and it looks like a post card. Even the sheep can be seen now. I love the green ours is the dull brown of winter.

    Hope Sadie had fun at her birthday party and the rest all had a good day yesterday.

    Enjoy the rest of your day together.

    We love you all.

    Take care,

    Mom and Pop

  2. What a beautiful morning and what a contrast in views. This could be summer even though the last picture, a few days ago, clearly wasn't. Weather will keep you hopping!

    Hope Sadie had a good birthday party. We'll be face timing in a little while with you. Hope we can get through!

    Aunt Di
