
Saturday, January 12, 2013

English Currency

Thought you might like to know about the money here in the UK.  Obviously it is the British Sterling (Pound) and anything less than a pound is call a pence.   I don't believe there is a $1 bill, so you end up walking around with a lot of change in your pocket and the coins size don't always dictate their denomination it can be tricky!
Current exchange rate is about .62....meaning 1 US $ is equal to about .62 pence.
Not a good rate, especially considering that goods are quite a bit more expensive here. 
A 2 liter of coke for instance might cost 2 pounds....with the current exchange rate
that equals about $3.21 US Dollars.
It gets worse if the goods you are buying are not food or some clothing when a 20% VAT (Tax) is added to the price.  Not a cheap place to live. 

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