
Tuesday, October 29, 2013


One might expect to see something like this in the Serengeti but not in Bradford UK.

Never know what you will see on the way to work.

Since we did just pass our UK driving test, we do know that in the UK a Zebra Crossing is actually what we would call a crosswalk in the US.  They paint black and white lines on the road and poles...that is where the zebra name comes from. 

There are also Pelican, Puffin, and Toucan crossings here.

1 comment:

  1. I don't see how you all drive over there. It looks so crazy and with all the different signs and all. Dad would still be there waiting to take a video of the zebra as it crossed. LOL...

    Different strokes I guess for different folks. At least you never know what you will see on your way to work.

    Love to all,

    Mom and Pop
