
Friday, October 25, 2013


We welcomed our guests on Wednesday evening and have enjoyed getting to spend time with them.  We visited York yesterday afternoon and toured the castle, The Shambles (narrow street dating back to 900), and strolled through an open air market and visited the York Minster. 

The group is out and about again today and I'm sure they are making new memories.

 The Shambles in York. This is one of the most photographed streets in Britain, is considered one of the best preserved Medieval shopping streets in Europe and is mentioned in books from 900 years ago. 

Many of the buildings have wooden shelves or wide windowsills left from the days when cuts of meat were sold from open windows.   The street is short and so narrow in places that you could probably reach out from one building and touch one on the other side. Most people assume the structures tilt toward each other because of their great age, but in fact, the Shambles was made narrow to keep the meat sold there out of direct sunlight.Nevertheless, it was a dangerous and unhealthy place in the Middle Ages, and probably a hot spot for the periodic outbreaks of plague.  YUCK

 Sadie is studying Guy Fawkes and November 5th many cities have bonfires in memory of Guy.  She was quite excited to see that we were at his birthplace yesterday.

 York Castle (Dean, Dawson, Ben, Aidan are the shadows at the top)
 Atop the castle

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