
Saturday, October 5, 2013


The kids school  - Ashville College - had an open house today for the community to come and look at the school and learn more about it.  Dawson and Chloe gave tours to folks that were visiting and we walked through the Junior School (School Sadie will attend next year) and she showed us some work at her pre-prep school.  Enjoy some pics of the day.

Taking a tour of the Junior School
 One of the possible classrooms Sadie will have and teacher next year
 The other possible classroom
 Boys playing rugby outside the school today
 Senior School

 Some of Sadie's work on the Fire Bird...they are doing a unit on Fire.

 Sadie's classroom this year
 Blue Bell the Bunny in Sadie's classroom
 Sadie's classroom
 Sadie's owl artwork
 Sadie's art piece



  1. I loved the tour of the schools. They are so colorful. Sadie you did a great job with all of your artwork and etc. We love to see what you make. It is beautiful. I loved the owl. Sadie your room looks perfect. So many colorsl and organized. I loved your writing. You are doing so great.

    The hallways look so clean and sharp. We really loved your work on the firebird. Wonderful.
    I especially loved "Bluebell" she is a cutie pie like you. I bet she is fun to have in the classroom.

    Keep up all the good work and thanks for sharing your school with us.

    Love to all,

    Grandma & Grandpa Caldwell

  2. What a beautiful tour! I loved your artwork Sadie - you have quite a talent. I can't wait to see everything in person. Your classrooms looked beautiful. I hope you get the one you want.

    Love you,
    Aunt Di

  3. Dear Sweet Sadie-
    What beautiful, wonderful ARTWORK! Very impressive cursive writing as well! Keep developing your artistry, and over time, it will pay you very well. I wonder - if you drew a sketch of me today, would I be able to afford to buy it in 20 years? Probably not, since you will be famous! What is your favorite color? (Mine is red)

