
Sunday, October 13, 2013


Well it happened.  Something I secretly worried about in the back of my head when we took this adventure on nearly a year ago.  I had some thoughts that I quickly pushed to the back of my head about how tough it would be – to live so far away from those you love – if someone were to get sick.
That happened this week.  On Monday we received an email from some good friends of ours stating that Tina had some stomach pains on Monday and was taken to the hospital for an emergency gallbladder surgery.  During the surgery, the surgeon noticed some things that warranted more investigation…some cells…possibly cancerous.  We prayed that they would turn out to be nothing of concern, but got an email as we woke up on Friday morning confirming our worst fears. Liver, Spleen, Pancreas, and Lung – Stage 4 Cancer.  
A mother of 4 and wife of 1 great guy Tim are now fighting with the biggest battle of their lives. 
Let me tell you a bit about Tim and Tina.  Tina started at Hallmark the first day I did and I remember having a conversation with her and soon as I took the elevator up to the HR department on my first day waiting to be taken to our training room.  A friendly face she was and who would have known we would fast become great friends, colleagues, and family friends.  Our spouses soon met each other and we literally became adults together.  Tina was from a large family like I am and Tim was a single child like Kel – we have often had fun making comparisons.  As Kel and I have been reflecting back on our time with them, we realize how important it was for us to have like minded – forward thinking friends like Tim and Tina around as we were starting out to face things like home ownership, kids, jobs, life, transitions with people that could support you and encourage you through it. 
We have had some great times with Tim and Tina and their kiddos – taking a trip to South Dakota when we were just starting at Hallmark – Bike Races – Baby Showers – Newborns – Home Improvements.  We are hopeful for many more.
So…we are finding a way to go on with our daily lives that seem to be incredibly hectic at the moment but are taking the time to treasure each day a bit more than before and simple pray.  We are praying people and know God hears them.  We are hoping his will is to work a miracle in their lives.  Please join us in praying.
Some pics through the years.


  1. Wow, what a great friendship you all have. We know that God performs miracles every day.

    Our prayers and thoughts are with Tina and her family. Hopefully, she will begin to get better and better and live so you all will get to share many more good times together. I know this is so hard on you all to be so far away and not be able to see them physically but I know that they will feel your prayers all around them.

    Just because you have to keep on keeping on doesn't mean that you all aren't praying for them. Sometimes there are moments like this that makes you hug your family a little closer and tighter. We sometimes forget how precious each moment with your loved are in the day to day living of life. We are not guaranteed tomorrow.

    Tim and Tina will feel your love and prayers surround them and comfort them during their fight.

    Keep the Faith and keep praying as well as all.

    God does perform miracles everyday!!

    Love you all,

    Mom and Pop

  2. Let's take this time to pray, and commit to the active cause of healing for Tina, Tim, their delightful children, and families.

    Heavenly Father,
    At this time, we are coming together as one in belief that You, our Creator, Sustainer, Healer, and Savior hear the multitude of prayers in behalf of Tim and Tina's family, and especially her immediate need for care beyond the realm of the medical community. We pray in wisdom that according to Your will, she can overcome this vicious attack in her body that You alone can choose to heal and extend! Our hearts yearn for the best of health with each passing day that Tina can overcome this struggle in this very moment of time. Give her peace that surpasses the worries, knowing that Your hand is upon her life. We struggle in trust, as we are only human. Above all, may Your will prevail in strength with Tina's need's and the family's dreams. Help us to reach out to You for greater compassion to encompass them and lift them up to You! Such effervescent vitality in pictures of moments in time, Master! The same as You provided in times past, we know that You can do the same in this moment upon Your will. I jealously ask for every person that believes in You to actively pray for her situation to change and be strengthened.

    In the Holy name of Jesus we pray and ask it,


  3. Love these photos and especially love the prayers. Much needed. Second round of chemo Tuesday. Pray hard for God's healing hands
