
Saturday, October 26, 2013


We enjoyed a repeat trip to Bolton Abbey with our guests - weather cooperated and we nearly had the place to ourselves.

Enjoy some pics.



  1. Wow, nothing else to say. It is a beautiful place. So very green. I did notice three odd birds standing on the posts there. LOL I loved all the pictures. Glad you all got to show Di/Dean and the boys all the lovely sights. Kelly, Di does insist on climbing up things I would watch her. LOL

    Enjoy your time together. Kiss all the kids for us, even if the boys are too big for it. I get to go to sleep and know that you have chased them to give them grandma kisses. LOL The girls take theirs with style. LOL

    Love and Kisses to all,

    Mom and Pop

  2. Wow, great pictures! What a great adventure... Missed you guys dearly this weekend. Just know we think about you guys often. I hope all is well. Let us know if you need/want anything!
