
Saturday, October 19, 2013


My sister her two boys and her husband are headed out from KC this morning to visit us in merry ole England.  We are all excited to have some guests and show them the place we call home.  This is their first time traveling internationally with their boys (twins - Dawson's age) and they seem pretty excited for it.  We are planning an excursion to Ireland while they are here to see all that it has to offer.

But to Costco to stock up. 


  1. I hope you all can find a good Shepherd's pie together during your travels! I hope they wore their coats, it's 35 outside as I write this. GO CHIEFS!

  2. I say you may have to go twice to feed that bunch that is coming...LOL They will be really hungry after all the excitement that they will see. I am glad they get to see where you live and enjoy some new sights.

    Ireland will be so pretty I bet. Is Kelly still in to Kiss the Blarney Stone? I think I would just get me a rock Kel and name it Blarney and kiss it on nice flat ground. LOL Just saying

    Enjoy the time with them. It will be an experience that will last a lifetime with both the families.

    Hug all for us and enjoy each other.


    Mom and Pop
