
Saturday, October 19, 2013


Thursday night Chloe and Dawson had a House Music competition at the Royal Hall here in Harrogate.  The school the kids go to divides all of the kids into 1 of 4 houses.  (Think Harry Potter).  I believe they are Ellis, Riverdale, Duckworth, and Windermere.  All of our kids are in Duckworth.

So...they have been preparing since the start of term for this house music competition.  The house picks a musical director (student) and the students put on, arrange, the entire program of 5 numbers per house.  Each group ends with a house choir of which Chloe and Dawson were both in.  Enjoy some videos and pictures of the night. I continue to be blown away at the level of talent here.  They were outstanding.

After the night was over, they brought in an acclaimed music director who had been judging the competition and provided  live feedback about the performance and announced the winner.

And the winner was.........DUCKWORTH!   This adds to their house points which are tallied at the end of the year when they claim HOUSE OF THE YEAR.

Chloe's good friend Ellie is the third one from the right.

Dawson is front left
Chloe is third row from the back - 4 from the right
 Their group number was "You're the One That I Want" from GREASE



  1. ELECTRIFYING! What an excellent 5-syllable word to type, since I can't hold a musical note. Nice job, my young friends! No wonder the music director picked Duckworth, as the Caldwell kids anchored their vocal sections, I am certain that I heard their American diction in those music scores! BRAVO-BRAVO...

  2. I totally agree with you the talent is amazing. I loved all of it. The kids looked so mature and we are so glad that their house won. Next time we will see Dawson on the guitar....I think the Caldwell kids held it all together.

    Great job.


    Mom and Pop

