
Monday, February 4, 2013

TV Tax Anyone appears when you come to the UK and buy a TV, it isn't enough that the TV costs nearly twice what it would have in the states, but soon after the purchase you get one of these in the mail asking you to pay your annual TV Licensing Fee.  If you don't pay it, the letter states they will come to your house and find you.   Hmmmm....I guess we will pay it....although we are interested in meeting new people....might be a way to make a new friend.....probably not.

145.50 in US Dollars = $232 bucks...we get to pay this annually.  I'm not sure Judge Judy is really worth that much.


  1. So, is it an extra charge if you want to watch Dukes of Hazzard? That would be a tragedy.

    Can't wait to hear the other charges you get just by living there. I remember when I visited Singapore, they had to compete for a permit to own a car (there were a limited number of cars that could be allowed to be on the roads at one time) and once you bought it, you could only have it for 2 years or something then you were back to public transportation. Crazy how good we probably have it in the beautiful USA without being aware of it.

    Hang in there. You'll miss Honey Boo Boo but maybe that's ok!

    Aunt Di

  2. Crazy!?!?! Funny thing is the US would probably require it then subsidize it for half of the country... By the way, don't let the ol' congress find out about this idea they may run with it.
