
Friday, February 8, 2013

End of the week - time for FISH FRIDAY


  1. Love the new car! And, all of the picture of the kids. You guys look so good.

    Love, Aunt Di

  2. Are you getting used to driving on the "wrong" side of the road?

  3. I don't think you will ever get used to it- although when I was in the Netherlands this week, it felt a little weird driving back on the other side of the road.

    Signed...the schizophrenic driver

  4. Hi there,

    The car looks great and the kids are all looking so good and growing so much also. I am glad the kids love it.

    Fish and chips I see...Is that Dave drinking hot tea ....and with his little pinkie......Finally getting manners...Thanks Kelly...LOL.

    Love you guys and at least we know you all won't starve with all the good care packages that you get.

    Love and miss you all,

    Mom and Pop
