
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Fire builder

YouTube Video

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  1. Dawson,
    That is great you can do that now. I lived where you had to do it all the time and you know I still can't build a fire so look how far you are ahead of me. It is so good to know that kind of thing who knows when the elec. goes out and you will have to depend on a fire- place or stove and you could keep everyone warm.

    Hope your school is going good and still loving their sports. Congrats on the test you took and you will at Chloe's school next year. Oh my gosh how time flies. Hard to believe that you boys will be 11 soon.

    Take care of you self and we are so proud of you for being able to start the fire. You Rock.

    Love you and miss you,

    Gma and Gpa Caldwell

  2. Way to go! Now, go hunt for your dinner and bring it home and you are officially a cave man :)

    Nice job, Dawson. So nice to hear your voice. Love you,
    Aunt Di

    P.s. the boys said hi and that they miss you!

  3. Hey Daws,

    I am very impressed with your new fire-starting skills. I'm sure I wouldn't know where to start. Is the fire station close by? Just kidding, you are a very capable guy and we are SO proud of you.

    It was so good to hear your voice. Have you found any friends who are as silly as you? Oops, I meant to say
    have you found any friends who are as handsome as you.

    We love you so much. Stay cool.
    Grandma Strom

  4. Well done!! Way to keep the family warm!
