
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Checked out Church Today

Everyone was feeling well this weekend and we were excited to try out a church here in Harrogate.   I had found a church online before we left and communicated with the pastor via email before we left and we looked forward to checking them out.

Life Destiny Church meets at the local theater on Sunday mornings.  They had nice worship like we were used to in Kansas City and utilized a local coffee bar/restaurant to take the kids/youth to after worship for their church.  After church everyone congregates at the restaurant/coffee bar to have a warm drink and some fellowship. We found all to be very welcoming, but the experience was a bit overwhelming for Chloe and Kelly a little bit.  It was great to be worshiping again with believers, but it brought back found memories of the close church family we left behind in Kansas City - homesickness came to the forefront.

If that wasn't tough enough, we walked out to our car to find we had a parking ticket.  We had paid to park in the parking lot behind the theater - got the ticket - put it in our dash as we were supposed to but  accidentally put it on the dash upside down so the parking monitor couldn't see how many hours we paid for.  We got a nice 25 pound ($40 ticket).  Nice to see the evil one is still alive and kicking bringing a bit of havoc to those against him. We will prosper.

Time to start another week!


  1. I'm sure every step feels hard and this one hardest, considering how close you were/are to your church family in KC. Just know that all of this will pass and you'll look back and remark upon how far you've come. Look forward to your London trip! That's a new step that will make you feel like this whole crazy life step is worth the hardship. Love you guys and will keep praying for you!

    Aunt Di

  2. That church sounds amazing! Sounds like something right down our alley. Mixing coffee and church just makes sense :)

    I'm sorry you guys had a difficult time. I know you will do well no matter where you are and you'll find it gets better everyday. From the looks of the church website they do a lot of activities together that will be fun! I can't wait to see how God uses this experience for you and others!

  3. Wow sounds as if the church is what you all were looking for. Their website is really good and there are lots of things for you abd Kelly as well as the kids can get involved in.

    I am so sorry that it made Kelly and Chloe homesick. Sometimes homesickness just comes when you least expect it. These people will become friends and you will hate to leave them when you come back to the states.

    It is hard sometimes to just imagine what and where you all have been and done in such a short time. All things will work out even though sometime it seems impossible.

    It's a shame about the ticket....They don't mince when they charge something do they?........

    Hope all have a good week..Still doing o.k...Doctor said I could walk a little bit..He put me in physical therapy so maybe that will help. My muscles in the leg are weak and hopefully this will help with balance and strength.

    We love you all....Have a super week.


    Mom and Pop

    PS....WHAT.....No social butterfly birthday party this weekend???....whats up with that??LOL

  4. So happy to hear you maybe have found a place of worship! Christian fellowship is so important in our lives, The Caldwell's are so ever present @PVB, we feel your presence with us & the months will go by before we know it & it will be August, party down!!.

    JL's surgery on his shoulder went well, I made a few meals for him & I am encouraging him to try healthier foods( he likes the food not good for him) he has lost 13 pounds so far & is open to trying things he formerly turned his nose up to-- he is a work in progress, pls continue to keep him in your prayers.

    Love all the pics, I check in every few days, to keep up with your activities & family news, Ihave Jack busy painting our dining room, bless his heart it takes a good man to paint 20 foot walls & be safe--

    Love & prayers to all---Jack & Sharon

  5. Praying this is a good place to make connections. So glad you were able to find a good one quickly!
