
Friday, February 15, 2013

Good news - bad news

So the small fridge we had in the house stopped working after 6 weeks - bad
We checked our lease contract and it looks like fridge replacement is our responsibility - bad
We replaced the dorm fridge with a proper American size fridge - great!


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  2. Well, howdy-doody! My only question is- will they tax you for the extra space that it takes up in the kitchen? Last week, they replaced a single door 50’s style fridge with the old freezer compartment door into a two door frost free fridge, and did not raise my rent one penny! I must be a lucky capitalistic American.

    I have reviewed the past month of blogs, and seen that you all have fish on Fridays, and I will also. Would you suggest Mrs. Paul’s or Gorton’s fish sticks from the store for me to have in my freezer? I am implementing this as part of my protein for the week, and don’t want anything to do with salmon or tilapia – YUK!

    Would you all tell us how you celebrated Valentine’s Day this year? I am so proud of you all, and am grateful for all of the slices of life you share with the rest of us! Sadie-keep singing, it is beautiful music to my ears…Dawson-that fire was roaring just like your presence in the classroom…Chloe-whether it’s grapes in your lips or being a fashion model on the sidewalks of Harrogate, you are a shining star…Kelly-a standing ovation for turning your new house into a home again and all the things that you do to make everyday special…and my Brother from another Mother, Dave-although every day of life is very busy, thank you for your encouragement during this past month that means as much to me as the finest Hallmark card I’ve ever been given! Continue being wise and stop by the bank on Friday afternoons.

    Between Raleigh, Jack, Cody, and Neil, I pretty much have all the rides I need to get me around from place to place, praise God! Last weekend while she was suffering, Sharon made some favorite TLC meals in containers for me to enjoy this week, and it was very yummy for my tummy! On super bowl Sunday, I passed up on making my chili, and I had the opportunity to be one of the judges. I asked two of the four winning entries to bring me a crock pot of chili at a strategic time in the near future as I continue with my shoulder rehab. God’s mercy in my life through His believers still finds a way to make me the everyday winner. Absolutely astounding!

    One week after shoulder surgery, and one week before rehab starts, God’s presence in my healing is richly evident! I am turning a corner of my life to celebrate His glory in a way that I haven’t ever concentrated on by using better food choices to consume. I have bowed out of overnight security work, and am revamping my resume’ for the health care industry, hopefully a northland hospital. I plan on getting a daytime job with health benefits and wiser food choices at mealtime as opposed to QT salty and sugary items.

    The Lord reminded me of the prayers that have been asked for me while I sleep, and that is you all. Indeed, I am blessed! Likewise, you need to know that players are asked for each and every one of you all in the same way. To God the Glory, great things He has done…
