
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

We just got back last night from our first trip out of Yorkshire to London.  We really loved it.  In ways it felt like New York with all the hustle and bustle and lots of people, but a lot more clean and better architecture.

We met a guy at church last Sunday that has his taxi company, so we contacted him to get him to take us about 5 minutes to the train station.  We caught a train here in Harrogate and took it to the next big terminal in York. Then we got on a faster train direct from York to London Kings Crossing - about a 2 hour ride.  Got off the train, made our way to the Underground (Tube) and made a couple of connections that brought us right out by our hotel. 

We had a lovely room (Thanks to our Marriot Points) overlooking the Marble Arch on Park Lane near all the shopping and the fancy hotels.  The tour guide stated the Grovesnor hotel (just a few blocks away) is where Elizabeth Taylor stayed for all of her honeymoons.  She was such a frequent guest, they installed a revolving door. (I think with those keen facts I am ready for a side job giving tours on the double decker bus.) : )

We took a double-decker bus tour around the city which ended up being a great deal for us, as we could ride it for the 3 days we were there and get on and off when we wanted.  We saw Big Ben, Westminster Abby, Buckingham Palace, toured the Natural History Museum, visited the famous Handleys Toy Shop (7 floors) where Sadie was able to get the passport for her Build-A-Bear her friends gave her before we left stamped, London Bridge, The Tower Bridge, you name it.  We rode the large ferris wheel called the Eye - which was a fun experience. Very smooth and slow...I believe anyone could do it without any concern...very fun.  We made our way back to the train station and back home last night.  The kids are enjoying the rest of their mid-term break and getting some much needed rest.  Some pics can be seen below.

SOME THINGS NEVER CHANGE...why is it when you take your kids half way across the world to see sights they never thought they would see...when they find out the hotel has a pool...they can't stop bothering you until they get in the water on the first matter how exhausted you are....hmmmm....some things don't change.

Thanks for following us...wish you were here.


  1. Oh my goodness....where do you begin...the pictures are so good and all seemed to have a really good time...You all are seeing things that most people just read about in books. I am glad all are feeling better and were able to enjoy the great time.

    Taking the train sure beats having to drive all the way there..Huh...Big Ben is cool and the London Bridge....Did Sadie sing London Bridge while you were there.We also saw the Bobbies in the pictures.

    What a trip...Now back to normal....or what ever that is anymore...LOL.. but know it is only a short train ride to see it all again..

    Love you all,

    Mom and Pop

  2. What a great experience!! So much history and things we only read about here in the states! That is so cool! Great pictures too. We're so jealous!

    Miss you guys.

  3. First trip to London! Great to see everyone having so much fun visiting all the sites. London is one of our favorite places to visit. The 'Eye' is fun during the day and beautiful at night. We look forward to seeing your next 'grand adventure'. Hugs, Nancy & Mike

  4. THIS is why you moved!! When you thought about picking up your family and moving halfway around the world I'm sure you had to focus on the pluses that would come from such a trip and this had to be one of them. Your children have now seen/lived in places most of us only dream of visiting.

    I am so happy for you guys and love that you took us along for the ride in pictures. Only problem??? We're not there with you. But we will be...we will be :).

    Loved all of them and so glad you had safe travels.

    Aunt Di

  5. Ahhh... So jealous, one of my favorite places and you packed a lot in! Looks like a good time. Love you all!

  6. WOW!! What beautiful experiences you are having!! Wish we could join in the fun! Miss you all & love reading about what's going on with you!

  7. Glad you are having so much fun on your adventure!
