
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Stumbled onto a castle

Where else can you be headed to Costco and stumble onto a castle.

Allerton castle


  1. I guess you know that you aren't in Kansas any more Toto, when you see a castle on the way to Costco. Absolutely beautiful....

    Sure beats the fantasy gas station we go past on our way to Walmart.......LOL LOL Of course there is a starbucks across the street....LOL

    Love you all,

    Mom and Pop

  2. Wow! You should knock on the door and ask if they have any Grey Poupon. haha

    I'm more amazed that you have a Costco. We don't even have a Costco close.

  3. That was one of the things I loved about Ireland/England was that you were out for a normal drive and stumble across something 100s of years old. Very beautiful! I wonder if they have American-sized milk????

    Love you guys and glad you're back.
    Aunt Di
