
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Chloe Car Shopping with Pop today...we now have two cars ..glad that is done!


  1. Well Chloe you must have LOVED car shopping with Dad..I can tell by your expressions...LOL .If he is like grandpa he was asking all kinds of questions and all. I have been there. You are looking so good and "Older" it is good to go out and have some alone time with your dad.

    Heard that Sadie wasn't feeling so good. It is the late night partying she is doing. Miss Jazz hands as the social butterfly....LOL. Hope she feels much better.

    Love you all and miss you,

    Grandma & Grandpa Caldwell

  2. What? No picture of the car???? Total let down.

    Loved your facial expressions Ms. Chloe! You're too cute. Hope your school is going well.

    We miss you,
    Aunt Di

  3. Chloe Grace,

    Could we have just one, I repeat, just one glam shot. I guess we will just have to TELL our friends you are beautiful.
    Just kidding, even with those faces we can tell how sweet and fun you are. When it comes time for you to buy your car, Dad's
    face will probably look like these.

    We love you so much. Keep smiling.
    Grandma Strom

  4. Very entertaining way to 'shop' for cars haha Where are Dave's funny pictures?
