
Saturday, August 31, 2013

From Stonehenge to Sherwood Forest

We finished our weekend trip today with a trip to see Stonehenge and a trip back through Sherwood Forest...almost.  We saw a sign for Sherwood Forest, so we had to turn off to see if this place really existed. After about 20 miles out of the way with the occasional sign pointing the way, we gave up and made our way back to the motorway.  I believe Robin Hood is still in operation, although he owns gas stations these days, as our little detour robbed me of about $10 in fuel.  Enjoy the pics from today.


  1. Wow! What a great weekend. Love seeing the shots of Stonehenge. You guys looked like you were having fun. I really liked the pictures of Sherwood Forest. We'll have to visit when we travel there.

    loved the pictures of the whole family and the bright, bright sun. Yay, no rain! Enjoy it.

    Love you,
    Aunt Di

  2. Remarkable.....doesn't it just bog the mind as to how all these things were made and put there. what a great end to the day. Loved that ice cream was found and eaten.

    The family pictures were great and the kids looked really well.

    The sheep hats were baaaaautiful..........LOL LOL


    Mom and Pop
