
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

More Pics from our KC Trip

Chloe and some of her friends
 Day Chloe told her friend Kennedea she was moving

Tired of Shopping and Dr. Appointments

 Celebrating Pete and Bev's 45th Wedding Anniversary

 Chloe got do to a dance workshop for a few days at her old studio and with some of her great friends and teachers!


 Sadie spending the day with Dad at Hallmark

Chloe practicing driving in a parking lot!  Not 15 yet, but thought it would be good to practice!
 MMMM Good

Dawson and his friend Cameron

 Bath time!
 Dave visiting an old girlfriend

 Opened Sadie's Savings Account - too bad she only has British money in her account

Sadie enjoyed some time with her friends and her first sleepover!


  1. Love! Love! Love! all the pictures. They looked like they had so much fun. They all looked so sweet. The sleeping one was great of Sadie she looked really zonked out. I really loved the one where Dave and Sadie were walking down the hall at Hallmark as if they were deep in thought.

    I am so glad Dave married you Kelly, the other girlfriend looked like she would be a little stiff. LOL LOL I don't think she would have been as much fun as you are....LOL LOL LOL

    Dawson looks so innocent doesn't he when he is asleep.....LOL

    Sadie looked like a knight in all of her bubbles. So cute.

    Love you all and miss you all,

    Mom and Pop

  2. Very cute pictures! Only thing missing was Sadie Ms. Lady photo-bombing everyone, or is that just when I'm in it? Everyone looks very happy but, if I'm honest, it's only fair to say that we're all disappointed Ben's "girl hair" picture isn't included. Just something to think about including the next time you have a picture of Chloe with her "girl" friends. :)

    Love you,
    Aunt Di
