
Monday, August 19, 2013

Back in the UK

Hello to all that are following us and who may be wondering where we have been for the past couple of weeks - we were in KC visiting family, friends, doctors, stores and restaurants...trying to soak up a little of the American Way and seeing people we have missed.  We also looked in our house there and the great people who are living in it for us couldn't be doing a better job - we weren't worried about it when we left and feel even more pleased now...I expect we will come back to it someday looking better than when we left it - a prayer answered!

We are back in the UK now, adjusting back to life here as we know it.  We all enjoyed this trip back so much more compared to the trip we all took in December of last year where we were jumping into something without a lot of knowledge of what was to come.  We were happy to have a house, food, cars, and conveniences waiting for us when we got back here. 

All seem to be doing well.  Kel and I were worried that we might have a bit of a mutiny on our hands some time in KC where the kids would get together and call their own family meeting stating...we had a meeting and have decided we want to stay. No such meeting occurred and I believe all were looking forward to coming back in their own way.  Sadie the last night stated she missed England and was looking forward to sleeping in her own bed.

We are all not adjusted to the time zone yet - as the kids slept til about noon today - I was up bright and early at 8 am (2 am Kc time) for work...but the rest are recovering.

Thanks to all that we got to sneak a quick visit in with while we were in KC and sorry for those that we missed or our time was cut short. We literally didn't have a second free the time we were there between multiple Dr. appointments and other obligations.  We hope you understand.  If you were missing some 1-on-1 time with the Caldwells...we have a plenty of that over here...why don't you think about planning a trip : )

A few pics of our travel back home.



  1. Wow, what a great time. It looked as if the kids were growing from seeing the blog but OH MY GOSH how they have gotten older, taller, and more mature. It was a wonderful time getting to see all and just hugging and touching your faces to know that all are o.k. and that the UK is treating you all o.k.

    I know how hard it is to get to all the places that you would like to be and people you would like to see when you are only there for a while. I think you all did great, dr appointments, dentist, eyes and all. It is hard for one person to do all that but let alone a family. Kelly and her appointment book.Yay

    It was so good to see you and yet again so sad to say "see you later", but we are glad that all felt better going back and getting in the routine of things there again. It would have really made it hard if the kids just didn't want to go back, so I think you all completed what you set out to do, took a little time off, get all checked out physically, seen family, got some much needed things and well maybe a little relaxing..Nah I bet there wasn't much relaxation.

    Great job, well done can't wait to see you all again.

    Love and lots and lots of kisses,

    Mom and Pop

  2. Wow! What a great 3 weeks we were able to spend with you. Yes, we would have loved more time but in the end, as Ben says, it's the quality and not the quantity that matters. So, here's a quick recap of our quality time:
    1. Oceans of fun + Worlds of Fun and the Patriot multiple times
    2. Girls night out at Olive Garden (Sadie, Chloe and I at the bar), Smurfs 2, Manicures and Olive Garden dessert (can you say lemon cake, Chloe!!!)
    3. Dinner with the whole clan at our house with red foxes screaming (hit it Sadie :)) and Dave entertaining us all (asleep on the couch the whole night)
    4. Perkins (2) + Cracker Barrel favorites
    5. The Heat. Twice. Enough said. Anyone care for a submarine sandwich? Cheese keeps, right?
    6. Dinner at Pete & Bev's with the whole clan - WILDBERRY pie!
    7. Crispy egg rolls, not the cold, clammy kind, at Malay and Pier 1
    8. Wildberry pie (yes, I felt it deserved a 2nd run through)
    9. Knowing you were literally a phone call away

    We really enjoyed the time we spent with you and can't wait to see you soon....which is why we're bringing the "Rub some dirt on it tour 2013" to you in short order. So, Kelly, gear up, practice your altitude climbing and get ready because your clan, my clan, mr. old man with a cane, possibly the hawaii lady with a thong, all have a date with a wonderful irish mountain. I'm giving the Blarney Castle guide (known as "mr. feely") a heads-up we will soon be with him.

    Get ready because we'll be bringing it! Love you guys,
    Aunt di and the other "Rub some dirt on it tour" clan members

  3. Let the Verners know if you ever have a layover at DFW. We could come through security and say hello. Would love to see you.

    Glad you had a good time in KC.

    Sam is going to be in London in June with the North Tx Lonestar Ambassador's band. Will let you know when we have more details.

    We are planning to meet up with them somewhere on the trip. Just haven't decided where yet. If it's England, we will let you know.

