
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Fall our front yard

So when we returned from KC, we drove down the lane leading to our house and noticed the front yard trees were full of fruit.  Apples...apples...apples...some blackberries...and what we think are plums, but they are too green to tell at this point.  We are enjoying apples and Kel made some yummy apple crisp tonight...yum yum



  1. Looks yummy.....What a treat to have fresh fruit off the trees. We used to have a pear tree at home and I always looked forward to eating a ripe pear that you got off the tree for a snack after school.


    Love, Mom and Pop

  2. Love that! It is truly Wildberry pie :). We'll miss having you guys here for our own little fall festival but we'll make up for it when we see you guys. Keep the crisp on the menu when we visit!

    Love you,
    Aunt Di
