
Saturday, August 24, 2013

IKEA and Dinner Last Night

When we first got here, there was a tendency to make whatever furniture we shipped worked and not wanting to invest in anything since this was just temporary.  We came back from the KC trip with a new set of eyes on the house and found some places where we could make some changes to make things a bit more comfortable for the foreseeable future.  Thus...a trip to IKEA for some shelves and lights to make things a bit more comfortable.  Now we get to put it all together today!

 Not a real bathroom...just one setup at IKEA
Dinner Fun!


1 comment:

  1. It is nice that you all can get some things that will help you feel a little more KC lifestyle. I can understand how you just want to make do but this way it will make it more homey and you all have such dark rainy days it will be good to have something that add a little more home to it. You haven't had much putting together time lately Dave so I bet you will enjoy it and it will be useful.

    Dawson looks like he is contemplating a big problem or maybe some mischief he can get into. LOL

    Sadie looks like she is willing to do anything for a picture. LOL How cute.

    I think Dr. Mike might have got your x-rays mixed up with someone else. Your teeth certainly look much different than the last time I saw them. LOL

    Chloe is still cute as ever.....

    Love you all,

    Mom and pop
