
Wednesday, July 17, 2013


I take back everything I have ever said bad about the British weather (hope this doesn't jinx us) but we have had some amazing weather for the past few weeks.  It is typically in the 70s and the sun is shining.  When the weather is nice, there isn't any place more beautiful than the English countryside.  We hope it continues . We understand it is the best summer they have had in 7 years.

We have taken advantage each night by playing some badmitten in the backyard each night.  You can nearly play until 10 pm as it is still light at that time.  Enjoying the family time now that the kids are out of school and making memories.  Life is good.



  1. Beautiful pictures! The weather looks wonderful. I am glad you have a break from the rain and can really enjoy how beautiful it can be in England. You guys are looking great!

    Aunt Di

  2. Look at you guys...All looking good and having so much fun now that school is out. Wow badmitten I haven't played that in years. May have to brush up on our skills.

    Glad weather is nice and warm for a change.

    Love you guys.

    Mom and Pop
