
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Scenes from around our garden

4th of July is a bit different in England.  Not a lot of celebrating going on here - work and school for all.



  1. Bet you all were lucky to catch a good day with sunshine. The roses are beautiful. The flowers are so pretty. Looks like the bumble bees are nice and fat also. They like all the rain so they can get lots of pollen. Are your allergies as bad over there as here? I was just wondering.

    The strawberries look yummy in my tummy too. A little bit longer and a little whip cream and you all are all set. The house is really pretty. I am glad you found a house you could enjoy.

    Love you all,

    Mom and Pop

  2. How beautiful! All of that rain certainly leads to some beautiful flowers. Loved the picture of the house too.

    Love you,
    Aunt Di
