
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Dawson back from his London Trip

We had an early start yesterday when we had to have Dawson at the York Train station by 7 AM (about 30 minutes from our house) so he could join his class in catching the train down to London for a day of site-seeing and catching Matilda on the Broadway of London.  He made it back safe and sound - albeit a little tired - about 11:15 last night.  Enjoy some pics from his trip and his arrival.  He was able to capture some video of the changing of the guard in front of Buckingham Palace.




  1. Woe.....Dawson you did an absolute fabulous job with the video. Of course Grandpa said you would be like him. LOL Oh my goodness what amazing sights you are getting to see with your school. Early morning and a late night is really kinda hard but think what you accomplish in a day. Your pictures are wonderful.

    What a great job you did. We are so proud of you.


    Grandma & Grandpa Caldwell

    PS.....HAPPY 4TH OF JULY from the states......

  2. You looked like you were having fun. Love all of the pictures and especially one of Kel in the land rover :).

    We miss you guys and hope to see you soon.

    Love you,
    Aunt Di
