
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Dawson rockin the guitar

Dawson continues to take guitar at school each week and is getting better with each new song he learns.  Enjoy our little rockstar.  Nevermind the sounds of a typical night in our house in the background...just pretend those are groupies : )


  1. Dawson, How awesome. In only a few months you have come so far. It is great that you continue to love the guitar and it sounded as if your groupies were calling you name over and over.

    Who know will this be the start of something big? another Beatle perhaps..

    Keep up the great work. We love you and are so proud of you.

    Love and Kisses,

    Grandma & Grandpa Caldwell

  2. Dude!! You are doing so well. I am so impressed. Nice work!

    I think I will get you a giant speaker as a present. Rock on!

    Aunt Di
