
Sunday, July 14, 2013


Sadie just learned to skip rope (as we call it over here) and she loves taking her jump rope about everywhere.  We went to get Sunday night Chinese and she had to bring it with her.



  1. Who says there's a generation gap...I did this when I was a little girl..Of course that was only a few years ago....NOT!...LOL...

    Seems all kids love to "skip" rope. Wait until they do the double dutch... It is amazing how fast she is learning all these new things.

    She's quite a well-rounded little girl.

    Love to all,

    Gma & Gpa Caldwell

  2. You are such a great rope jumper (skipper)! You are doing great and really have it down. Hopefully you can teach your friends the magic of double jump roping.

    Love you,
    Aunt Di

    P.s. your daddy was never that good!
