
Sunday, July 21, 2013


Woke up Day 3 - more baked goods and took the Metro to the Louvre Museum.  Found some secret short cuts to get through the ticket line fast.  We all enjoyed the museum and seeing many of the famous pieces, although I'm sure you could spend 3 days there.  Mona Lisa,  Michangelo, Venus De Milo and more.

We left the Louvre and decided to enjoy an evening under the Eiffel Tower and eventually made our way to a local bistro for some dinner and a leisurely walk across the Seine to the Metro and back home.



  1. Great pictures! You guys really did the Louvre Thimjon about 45 minutes :). There is so much to see there that at some point you just have to go with what matters and move along.

    Loved the shots in the museum and at the Eiffel Tower afterward. Chloe - you finally have your Paris shots! You're looking great, girl :)

    I'm surprised to see the english writing on the restaurant. When Dean and I went 11 years ago, nothing was in english but I heard that they are trying to drive more tourism which may mean they are trying to accomodate to english-speaking tourists. Hope the food was good!

    Love you,

  2. Oh my so much to see and so little time. I bet your mouths were hanging open all the time to think you are actually standing and seeing the wonderful paintings, sculptures and etc.

    Who would have dreamed that you all can see so much in such short time that you were there.

    Woe, Awesome


    Mom and Pop
