
Sunday, July 21, 2013


We spent Day 2 - getting ready around the apartment - grabbing some baked goods from a local bakery and making our way via the Metro to Sacre Couer (The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris).  It is a great building and surrounded by a great artisan community.

We made our way from this area to the Moulin although Kel was interested in doing a bit of a can can dance...we held her back.  Enjoyed a nice walk around town - then had a bit of trouble getting our way back on the metro to home - stops were shut down - had to walk - busy train station - crazy people offering unwanted help - we made it through and found our way back home for a nice Italian meal near our apartment in Chareton.



  1. That is a LONG walk from the Moulin Rouge to...well, anywhere. Good for you guys for hoofing it!

    Looks like you had a fun day and loved all of the colors on the buildings. I remember eating right out there on those tiny tables while traffic passes right by you thinking this is a very different world than America.

    Keep sending these! You guys look great. I especially like the ones on the staircase.


  2. Oh my, the kids pictures were great. They all look like they have grown so much. Chloe is no longer a little girl she is a grownup lady. Beautiful.....Dawson, wow he looks so cool with his glass and clothes....Unbelievable...Sadie, looks so much older and still so sweet.

    I love the streets and little shops and the hand painted pictures were amazing. Oh to have so much talent.

    The colors are so vivid just wonderful.


    Mom and Pop
